
Election Season

Mandatory Lirim Meeting



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
12-24-2019, 10:27 PM
The meeting was underway soon enough and the topics started out light enough at first. Her cousins were introduced… though even as Torin spoke ‘cilla couldn’t help but notice something else about his expression she couldn’t place. She continued to listen, frowning, as her uncle went on to express that one of his children, Siobhan had a condition called narcolepsy. While ‘cilla didn’t know the condition itself there was an increased level of worry in his voice that meant the condition was severe enough to cause problems and higher levels of concern. She shifted on her paws, ears flicked back as she yearned to speak to him about the matter further… but she’d wait. Not here, not in the middle of a meeting. There would be time for that and more, she told herself.

Then came rank promotions. Much to her surprise, despite her absence, her uncle spoke her name as the second wolf to be offered one. Once he spoke of what the rank was, however, it all made sense. His way of supporting her love of wandering, and needing to find Osiris and Cottontail, while giving her a purpose within Lirim that she had been craving. She had been hesitant to leave before, requesting her absence be treated as temporary so that she might be able to learn and grow alongside Osiris. But this… this was a way she could do both. Have a purpose for her pack, her family, while continuing to grow…

She remained silent for the moment, glancing towards the female, Ragnheiðr, who spoke first to accept her promotion. Her suggestion, too, was reasonable… though ‘cilla had concerns.

“The western lands of Boreas are dry and arid even during normal times. The fact that our packlands are still struggling is a big concern… I was there with my uncle and saw their condition myself. It doesn’t look good. I have my doubts any other inhabitable lands in the immediate area would be faring much better and, if they were, other packs that were close by could have temporarily moved there as well…” Wow, that sounded really optimistic, didn’t it?

She glanced back at Torin.

“However… if the resources are being strained here than the bottom line is we can’t stay. Until the end of spring maybe at best… but uncle Torin you have pups. They may be nearing a year old but they will still need plenty of food… clean water… we have elders too. Staying here risks the youngest and oldest wolves.” She spoke as calmly as she could while processing her thoughts.

“Bottom line is we shouldn’t stay here one way or another. I can take that promotion you offered.” ‘cilla’s eyes shone with determination. “I’ll cross as many of the lands in the west as I can and search for some land we can at least temporarily move to on the mainland… the closer to Lirim the better.” She glanced towards Rags and offered a small, friendly smile. “Some normalacity would be nice again… I think we can all agree on that.” She took a breath and glanced back at Torin.

“In the worst case scenario though… we may need to consider another island or even going beyond the west. As much as I’d rather not consider leaving our home for so long… I’d rather us be safe and alive. Homes can be rebuilt… but each of us only have one life.”