
Go Directly to Jail, do not pass go do not collect $200




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-25-2019, 02:28 AM

Bird continued to work on cleaning the wound. He could feel the way the stranger pushed the fur around the wound, but his movements were gentle and precise. As far as Sirius knew, the man had a good idea on what he was doing. A healer was always useful to have around. At this stage, he only had Io, and if Zee were to get pregnant, as he hoped, having a healer around to help alleviate morning sickness, and deal with the day to day tasks that Zee might need, would be greatly useful. The more he thought about it, the more he desired to claim this strange creature for his pack.

There was silence for a moment, as Bird ventured forth nothing further about the silence, and worked quietly over him. When Bast returned with her gatherings, the healer would politely thank her, after taking the webs from her whiskers with barely a twitch. Perhaps he hadn’t been as weary of the cat as Sirius suspected - either that, or he was very good at hiding it. Overall, the man seemed to have a very calming nature.

Sirius let him work in silence until Bird chose to spoke again, where he explained that he was born here - but far enough that he was not affected by the volcano. Perhaps he had come from Auster then - he wondered if the man knew of the pack of religious fanatics that lived there.

When Bird got up to leave, Sirius nodded his head to Bast, and the cat followed after him, keeping a distance between herself at the not-wolf until he returned back to Sirius’s side. He showed no sign that he had been planning to bolt, but the Warlord would be careful. It would not do to lose his prey now, not before he had a chance to lay down the law as he planned.

Sirius did not know what he was doing as he set about making the paste, but he had seen similar such concoctions and assumed it would be a paste for his leg. A hunch that proved correct when it was explained to him that it would help with swelling. “Proceed” Sirius allowed, keeping himself in his prone position where the healer could reach. “You do good work, Bird. Tell me, where do you plan to go from here?” What plans would the tyrant be ruining?
