
Do Not Get Out of Jail Free


Yong Cheng


1 Year
12-25-2019, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2019, 05:13 AM by Yong Cheng.)
He wasn't really hearing Sirius anymore. Words flowed in and out of his ears and he barely managed to catch anything. Only little snippets that, he supposed, did still answer his questions. Mostly, the boy was finding everything to be too fantastical to be true. Perhaps his questions had been an attempt to get Sirius to see sense and release him; perhaps they had been an attempt to reconcile Yong Cheng with the idea of servitude.

"... a healer... budding pack... unique... faced your fears without a second thought"

That, he found, was odd. Did Sirius respect fearlessness? The willingness to stand up under duress? Yong Cheng wished he'd never met Sirius in the first place. He hid his bitterness, though, facial muscles relaxed and placid. So much for being cunning; he was still a captive. But, Sirius' respect seemingly could be won. Perhaps likewise, he could win his freedom too.

"You will not tell her that you were coerced to become a slave. Only that you have been accepted into the lowest rank of the pack, and look forward to working your way higher."

He had never been a pack wolf, but instinct dictated that Yong Cheng flatten his dark ears against his skull, leaning away from Sirius' teeth.

The feminine smell he'd caught earlier drifted over now, growing stronger as who he supposed to be said wolf approached. "That would be me, I assume."

He looked to Sirius for confirmation, eyes questioning what he didn't say out loud. Was he supposed to wait hand and foot on this wolf, Sirius' wife, while being apprenticed to his healer? Or did he split his time between the two? What exactly was he role to be?

She was taller than him, but still smaller than the Warlord. His Warlord. Elegant horns spiralled upwards from her skull; Yong Cheng was transfixed. He had never seen a wolf with odd colours before, much less one with horns. And here this one had both! He didn't find her particularly beautiful, but she was certainly different. Yong Cheng found it surprising that Sirius would call him unique; after all, here was a wolf who was strange in more ways than one!

"Who might you be?"

Again, Yong Cheng looked at Sirius, then back to the female, recalling the Warlord's earlier words. Did he respond? Was he allowed to respond? Was Sirius going to introduce him to this other wolf, or was he expected to treat the question as an order and answer it himself? He didn't know what was an appropriate way to address a wolf of higher rank than he, so he settled on following Sirius' way of greeting. Sirius was the highest-ranked in the pack; surely, it was the safest.

"Bird, my queen."

Uncertain as he was, Yong Cheng's voice was steady and smooth, if a little serious. His tongue was his only weapon; it was that which he was most comfortable using. Therefore, all through his internal turmoil, he kept a small warmth in his tone, and the words rolled easily off his lips.
