
No Matter How Far


Osiris I


4 Years
12-26-2019, 12:41 PM
Osiris listened intently to the larger woman, his ears flicking slightly to signify he was listening to her every word. Though her pack had fallen on tough times, at least they had one another and the volcano had seemed to calm down a tad, which was definitely a good thing. After all, the young male was definitely worried about Priscilla and what had become of her during their times apart. He would hopefully be able to help her and her family any way he could, even with the pups and elders being at stake as well due to this sudden catastrophe. However, her next string of words did catch the dark-hued male off guard.

She wanted him to always come back? Well, they were here together right now weren’t they? The chances of being a part again were slim… but, after all, anything could happen especially if he were to join her pack at all. A gentle smile spread across his maw as the grey male walked over and nuzzled the tan-colored fae in a calm fashion.

“You don’t have to worry too much now, Priscilla. After all, you are my traveling companion. At least we found each other again, and that’s all that matters in the end. But, I promise, if I join your pack I’ll do anything I can to help them,” he reassured, his tail swaying slowly. “Besides, we won’t be apart then,” he assured, eyes lingering upon hers for a solid minute, feeling heat start to radiate from his cheek. “I care a lot about you too, ‘Cilla. I ask that you try and be safe too if we ever are separated like this again. I pray that will not be the case, at least for a long while but, thank you for being with me for so long and keeping me company.” He explained, smile widening across his face.

I...also want to say, ‘Cilla,” Osiris hesitated for a moment. What if he ended up making a fool of himself? After all, she could easily beat him in a fight if he ended up saying something rather idiotic instead of heartwarming. Though he doubted Priscilla would ever want to attack him, for she was definitely a kind soul and he admired her for that. A gentle giant is what rang in his head, though he would never call her that via voice. “I...I want to say that you’re my treasure,” he explained, turning his cranium slightly due to shyness. Hopefully he didn’t appear to be some kind of dunce saying that, for it was true. Osiris knew she was a huge part of his life now, and all the adventures the brute wanted to take...he wanted the she-wolf to stay right by his side too to experience it all with him.