
bad to you


12-26-2019, 04:41 PM

words  "Speech"

It seemed like it had been ages that she had been on her own. Ordinarily this might bother any other wolf but Lotus wasn't like "any other wolf." She had grown up during tough times, she had learned how to survive on her own and sometimes that meant being willing to do anything and to take from anyone. She had a smart head on her shoulders and she knew how to go undetected despite the blinding paleness of her pelt and the pink pigmentation of her skin. Being an albino sure did make you stand out, or so she had been told when growing up. But Lotus didn't want to stand out, she would rather just blend in with everything around her. Being invisible was something she preferred and she did her best to keep things low key. The sky was a dark canvas above, her favorite time of day. Night time was when she truly felt at ease. It seemed others were more afraid of the dark, traffic was less busy she had noticed. It was easier for her to avoid contact with other individuals and Lotus liked that. But she knew in the back of her mind that a pack would suit her better than the life of a loner. Pack life provided stability and she was a good asset to any pack, she just needed to be convinced that pack life was worth her while. If it benefited her she would consider it, but if it was a nuisance she would turn her back immediately at any offers. This specific area she happened upon was probably one of the more interesting ones. The lake was covered in little shining fireflies, as if stars were dancing upon the water. She felt herself drawn to it despite not being into the more "romantic" things in life. Her paws led her to the edge of the lake, muzzle lowering for a quick drink before she raised it once more. Mismatched eyes watched as the bugs danced and the fur along her spine prickled out of instinct. It seemed any time she stopped, even for a moment, it was as if someone was watching her. Maybe it was slight paranoia rolling over from her childhood but either way she didn't like it. Her ears flattened against her head and she glanced over her shoulder, someone was out there - she could sense them.