
bad to you


12-27-2019, 08:22 AM

words  "Speech"

Lotus was never really one to be self conscious but with the way her stomach was grumbling she was aware that he might just hear it and the last thing she wanted was for this stranger to pity her. It was natural to go a few days without food, especially as a loner, and this wasn't something that Lotus was unfamiliar too. Eventually the feeling of hunger would taper off and she would be able to ignore the pangs that rang through her body; at least until she could locate an adequate source of food. For the most part she was a scavenger but if she could hunt something fresh for herself she would. 'Not many venture this close to the Volcano. What brings you to Firefly lake?' He questioned whilst still guarding his catch. She eyed him curiously for a moment longer before she responded, "Water. That and I figured not many others would come here given the 'big scary volcano'." She mused as she glanced over her shoulder for a brief second. Sure the idea of a Volcano could be daunting but Lotus wasn't very worried, plus her legs hadn't failed her yet. She had been able to outrun plenty of her problems in the past and this was no different. "And you?" What had he come here for? Surely it wasn't just for the kill, or maybe it was? He also seemed like he was quite a bit more familiar with this area then what she was. Part of her wanted to poke at him just a little bit more, to see if she could gain even the slightest bit of intel, but the loner in her knew the longer she stayed the more risky it would become.