

Rune I


5 Years
08-22-2013, 07:29 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

He had been near the edges of the border to Tortuga again, still mumbling away to himself in his attempts to get words to come more naturally to him so that his eventual visit to Ludicael would prove to be a fruitful endeavor by its end. The day he would leave was fast approaching, and so every little chance that he could he was preparing himself for it, brainstorming questions, curiosities, anything that might afford Morphine a little leverage in understanding their neighbors. It was tricky business, what he intended to do, but always holding himself to the highest of standards there was no room for error.

Thoughts and words were interrupted at the sound of the faint call that he could hear echoing off the mountain, stopping him in his tracks as he paced and drawing his attention away to another section of land he had never once taken the time to explore. But the most striking thing about it was that he recognized the voice. It was incredibly familiar, similar in pitch to Vixe's and his own, and he knew with certainty that he needed to answer.

Abandoning his thoughts of preparation, Rune set out immediately, breaking past the territory's border and venturing further along, into unfamiliar lands, until he found himself standing before a wide range of pools that steamed and bubbled and filled the air with an almost uncomfortable white mist. Not even truly among the hot springs yet, the youth could already feel the tiny beads of moisture beginning to collect in his grey coat and he knew that if he stayed for an extended length of time he would likely emerge soaking wet without even having to step into any of the pools. Ignoring their unusual, unflattering smell, he set about carefully picking his way between them, mindful of the slippery stones between the pools and which produced a greater amount of steam than the others.

As if they were ghosts, the members of his family materialized through the haze, and he almost hesitated on that last step to bring himself fully out of the mists and clearly into the open. Frosty blue eyes skimmed across the faces - his father, his aunt, and his sister - and a little pang of longing caught up with him. How long, he wondered, has it been since we've all been together? But even as the thought floated across his mind, he knew that any meeting between them would never be the same. He knew about his mother, had found her grave and the site where the terrific battle had taken place even if he never would know the detailed story. But that was enough to keep him sober as he greeted what remained of his family.

Straight-faced, stoic, the grey youth moved to join the trio already gathered, taking note of Vixe's absence and wondering to himself whether he intended to show. With a quiet nod, he padded slowly forward to greet them. "Dad," he muttered, moving to greet the wolf with a little nudge of his forehead against the older male's cheek, a respectful look being given to the red woman beside him. "Aunt Vi." There was hardly a need for formalities there; they saw each other regularly enough in passing on Tortuga territory. Blue eyes rounded on his sister and they stopped on her frame with a little pause. "Maia." How good it was to see them all, even if the loss of his mother still weighed heavily in the back of his mind. Forcing a wag of his tail, Rune walked forward to seat himself nearby his sister, content enough just to be there with them that he nearly forgot to be curious about his father's call.