
My own slice of heaven

Seasonal Fighting Prompt



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Treat 2019
12-27-2019, 11:28 PM
A satisfied sneer showed on his features when his sneak attack was successful. Or at least, sort of. He hadn't meant to shove Pestilence into the water but there wasn't anything he could - or would - do about it right now. It seemed the girl that had fallen into the water was really, really pissed with Venom for one reason or another, and he briefly wondered if that extended to him. He had very little interaction with any of them, and as far as he could tell the little princess that he had initially tried to push in was the type that got up into everyone's business. Maybe that was another reason Pesto was so angry? He wasn't quite sure. But as things unfolded, he was pleased to see he had instigated something between them.

Served the little princess right. Who did she think she was? She wasn't better than them other than being a freak with her quills and gross snake tongue. Yeah...that's what he thought of her. A freak. So when Venom called him a coward, he sneered and let it roll off his back. "I was just having a bit of fun, you nosy little freak." He drawled as he lunged forward in an effort to grab one of her hind paws. He kept himself low to avoid the quills on her back. He didn't only just try to grab a leg with his teeth, but he sought to pull the other one out from under her with his paws. If he was successful, he wanted to drag her legs out from under her and hoped she would fall in the water

Gadreel Abraxas vs Venom vs Pestilence for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Under 1yr
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter