
Invitation and Surprise



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
12-28-2019, 06:43 PM
Listening to the birds and the calm breathing of her sister helps to ease the nervousness that churns within her. The excitement, however, bubbles up as more and more time passes. Soon, she will see get to see Iolaire very soon! The restlessness seeps back in and it takes all her willpower not to move or wiggle or twitch or fidget. She plays a game with herself, she calls it statue. The rules are simple; how long can Meadow sit still for. The longest she ever sat still for was ten whole minutes. That is pretty good for her. 

Then she hears it, the change in the birds. Meadow watches Resin’s head turn in the direction of the approaching group. Okay this is it. Big moment, the thought, ‘Don’t trip over your paws’ skitters across her mind. Standing she hears Io greet her mother and Meadow appears from behind her sister. A wide smile, that makes her eyes sparkle with the joy she feels, stretches across her face. 

A happy squeal of, “Iolaire!” is the only warning the woman gives before racing forward to greet Io. Quickly realizing that Iolaire might not be happy to see her or want to be embraced, she is a woman now after all, Meadow slows her charge of happiness. Also, there is a rather big man accompanying her and she doesn’t want to appear a threat to him. Stopping a short distance away, Meadow says, “Hello Iolaire! I have missed you!” Looking back at Resin, the smaller sister amends, “We missed you!” 

Looking back at the trio in front of her, Meadow adds, “How have you been? We want to hear everything.” Her eyes watch the small woman, just happy to see her again. Too long has passed since she has seen her but the love she feels toward Io is still as strong as ever. Finally, hoping that she is not embarrassing her, the lighter colored woman smiles and offers to move to embrace her niece, if she wants it.

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm