
Klein Adoptables v2

revamped adoption page


12-29-2019, 11:19 AM

OOC Name: irish
Character Name: Vexation "Vex" Klein
Gender: Female
Design: Design 2
Litter: Hamiclar x Iber
Appearance: Out of everything that Vexation could have inherited the only thing she truly gained from her father was his looming height. This girl is tall and leggy standing at 40 inches. However unlike the majority of her family that have stunning markings and mostly albinism Vexation is a deep ashen gray with a dark ebony muzzle. Her eyes are a striking amber, windows to her soul that almost indefinitely show her true emotions. Despite being rather tall she is by no means a large or bulky girl. She is very thin and petite, her fur wispy and feather like. She is borderline emaciated simply by her looks but once one would investigate further they would see that she does happen to have some muscle mass, be it little but it is still there. Vex is quick and agile, almost resembling a deer in her movements because she is so nimble. 
Personality: Sun. This simple would could be used to describe this beauty - bright and warm with a fiercely burning love of life deep inside that hidden heart of hers. Although to the outward appearances she has a naive outlook on life, often rebellious, she could very well become a handful if rubbed the wrong way. Outspoken and defiant against the injustices of the world Vex's loyalty remains unwavering. Commitment and determination follow her every step once she's decided on a path to walk. One would be hard pressed to divert her from her chosen course once the decision has been made and woe to any who would attempt to suppress her spirit. With a sarcastic wit that shields her unfathomable kindness she treads life with regret. But even in the brightest of suns there lays a bit of darkness and hers lies in the form of jealousy. Though this trait rarely rears it's ugly head it does pop up at the most inopportune of moments. Terrified of losing her siblings she secretly loathes anyone that gets particularly close to them (especially to her brothers). It is a side of herself that she despises with every fiber of her being for it brings her nothing but shame.  This is also hardly something that can necessarily be controlled, it is a form of her obsessive compulsive disorder that she tries very hard to keep under wraps. She is caring, almost suffocating the ones she loves unbeknownst to her. 
RP Sample: 
Words had always been so useless to Vex. Even as a child she had always had a tendency to be a bit more obsessive in nature then any other pups her age. She fawned over her siblings and smothered them with her love and often times when she was told "no" she simply turned the other cheek. Words would always be meaningless to Vexation especially if they were something that she didn't want to hear. Vexation was a sweet girl, all she did was care. And most of the time others didn't appreciate the fact that she was so caring. Relationships had been hard for the female. No one understood just how important her family was to her, specifically her siblings. No one understood that her loyalty to them was everything and that they needed her love and protection in order to stay safe. No one could tell Vexation that her way of thinking wasn't necessarily normal - because once she set her mind to something there was no changing it. Vexation could not be swayed, once her mind was set it was set in stone. 

The sun was shining and Vex felt truly alive. She hadn't felt this happy in a long time and maybe it was because she had finally been reunited with her siblings again. She couldn't really say what had caused their disconnect, perhaps they just wanted some time away from her? Though she couldn't imagine them needing time away when all she wanted to do was care for them and help them. She tried to keep her jealousy from rearing it's ugly head but when they didn't want to spend time with her she couldn't help but wonder what they were doing or better yet who they were spending their time with. Maybe if she had a friend, or two, it would make the time apart from them easier. But Vex was particularly picky and no one ever seemed to understand her. If only they could get a glimpse into her head, maybe then they would see how she ticked and truly understand where she was coming from.

Plots/Ideas: Vexation will most likely locate her siblings, her obsessive compulsive disorder wouldn't allow her to really be all that far from her family. She will also be focused on healing and most likely intellect as her skill sets.