
Without a Care


08-21-2013, 04:12 PM

Canine? Maybe, Wolf? No. She definitely wasn't a wolf Oddity could commit that to memory from her scent. She was not a wolf. Otherwise he would be treating her differently, canine, a dog. Something that was far different, so he would keep it that way from the back of head. Wolves even with diseases did not look like this girl. Though if there were more precious' then he didn't want one any day. That one may have protected Cana from the great Blackness, but he had other thoughts about it. His ears perked up for a moment though as he turned his blue eye towards her. "You must be special, to have the tree's speak to you. To have a friend like precious. You may be a special wolf, but you are still a dog." He said with a flick of his tail. His monotone and innocent voice hitting the air. Oddity turned his body around as he approached her closer. Oddity did not want to kill such a strange thing. Since he too was strange.
"Who is Euro Cana?" Oddity asked as he backed up tilting his head again his silver eye looking out to her. She was interesting, the tree's spoke to her. They taunted and played, he had never heard anything like that. Maybe he just wasn't that, crazy. Well Oddity had his own side of the strange things. He wished to understand but sometimes could not. Oddity was out for his own survival and nothing else, that and to please the urges that didn't speak to him but they still pushed him to rip into a wolves flesh in murder and happiness.
