
Sunny Days




6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
12-29-2019, 04:17 PM

Harbringr and Ari were focused on the task at hand when Pesto walked over in a huff. He smiled at seeing his niece and in amusement at the struggles of childhood. He knew how siblings could be. She mentioned this 'god' that Archon always seemed to prattle on about. Ah yes, that. He'd rather hoped that ridiculous ideology had died with their father but apparently he'd already been making an impression with it.

"They're still going on about that are they? That's a shame, but we can't control our siblings, only our reactions to them. I hope your mother is teaching you about more than that when it comes to the mystic realms." Harbringr himself didn't believe in any 'god' as others often did. There was Nature in its entire essence. The force that gave life and reclaimed it but he did not consider it to have a face or persona in the way may often gave to their gods. He hadn't talked with his sister much about religion and he could not quite say where she stood, he only hoped she hadn't swallowed too much of Archon's swill while he was alive.

Hari chuckled as she licked at the hole in the earth. "How's it taste?"

He carefully picked up the stick he'd selected and eyed the hole for a moment before tipping his head to the side and attempting to force the stick into the hole. After a couple of embarrassing misses and a smart ass remark from Ari he succeeded. The monkey quickly took some clay and added it to the base of the stick to secure it. As the sun beat down on it and dried the clay it would solidify. Now all they needed to do was mark time.