
Klein Adoptables v2

revamped adoption page

Yong Cheng


1 Year
12-30-2019, 01:00 AM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2019, 07:52 PM by Yong Cheng.)
OOC Name: Lee

Character Name: Tiamat Klein

Gender: F

Design: "Seal-point cats usually have white- to fawn-colored bodies with darker points on their furthest extremities. This interesting coat pattern is tied to genes that both the male and female must possess for the kittens to have points. The alleles (variant forms of a single gene) are actually a form of temperature-sensitive genes associated with albinism..."
- Spring to Autumn
- Winter

Litter: Hamiclar x Yvonne

Appearance: She is small for her family, 29 inches at the shoulder, and the runt of the litter. Tiamat is shrouded in fur softer than clouds and finer than spiderwebs. It is thick, but lies upon her body as though a finely-fitted glove. She is a decidedly plain, delicate-looking thing, a vision of deep browns and creams, taking after her mother's colouration more than her father. She bears seal-point markings, dark chocolate brown on her face, ears, legs and tail, and cream everywhere else. Wintertime is where her father's colours show through, as Tiamat sheds her mother's for Hamiclar's. Her brown becomes black, as though she were dipped into the volcano and pulled out alive; her creams, bleached whites and greys. Her eyes are an alluring, Klein baby blue.

Tiamat cuts a slender figure. She looks as if she was drawn from cloth in one sitting; there is no visible imperfection on her body. She is all angles and sharp edges; her chest tapers to a fine point, while her limbs are long and lean. Strangely bewitching, unnaturally beautiful, Tiamat knows she was bequeathed good looks. She walks lightly, as though floating on air. Each step looks deliberate; every movement she makes appears calculated and precise. She is a waifish thing, a woman who is no longer a child, who yet somehow retains a seemingly childlike innocence in her every gesture.

Her eyes are typically half-lidded; she peers out at the word with azure irises and impossibly deep pupils. But look into them, and you will forget all that she seems to be -- for inside her eyes, is a harsh, hidden fierceness unlike any other. Here belies the truth that Tiamat is truly a wolf who takes.

tl;dr: she's rly pretty lmao but also small.

cunning | manipulative | ambitious | loyal | determined | possessive | scrupulous morals
Tiamat is a woman who knows what she wants, when she wants it, and how she wants it -- and she's not afraid to do whatever it takes to get it. She marches to the beat of her own drum; born to an "inferior" mother, yet viewed as equal to her half-siblings by her father, Tiamat has grown to be a wolf who cares not about others' opinions of her. She does what she wants within reason, and she'll find the reasons to justify her actions -- or not at all. Why does she need to justify herself? A lifetime of proving herself despite "dishonourable" blood has left her immune to others' thoughts.

She appears to the eye as wholly innocent, even though wild (somehow tempered) fire lurks in the depths of her gaze. She is cunning down to the bone; she's not afraid to risk herself if she thinks it'll pay off. Hardened from the trials she went through to elevate her standing in the pack, Tiamat has turned from a girl who wanted nothing more than to please her parents, to a woman who grasps power with everything she has, and does not let go.

She's fiercely loyal to what she considers to be her blood, and even more fiercely protective of them. Things that she has deemed to be hers, are hers; she does not give them up until she's died, and even then, you'd have to pry them from her cold, dead claws.

One would expect Tiamat to be a woman without ethics, but strangely, she is a wolf of great morals -- just that her definition of 'right', might not match the norm's.

RP Sample: “Hey, ‘ma.” Tiamat said quietly, when the day ceased and only the night creatures blinked in the dark. She was alone, sitting by an unmarked tomb. She didn't even know who it belonged to, but there the symbolism was. “‘Member when I was this small, just knee high?” A soft, forlorn smile crossed her face and faded as fast as it had come. “‘Member you used to tell us to keep our heads up and keep walking? ”

The upturned grass didn’t respond.

“Yeah, well… I figured it’s gonna be pretty hard from here on out. You know? Keepin’ our heads up and all.” Tiamat felt a stirring in her breast, but she had not the tears to cry. It was as if something within her had built a dam and forbidden the tears to flow. The urge to sob ebbed away, waves on the seashore. “I guess I’m not really feeling it now. Doesn’t feel real yet. Still feels like you’ll wake up any moment and crawl out of the pit we dug for you.”

She paused, as if that might be the case. Tiamat watched the patch of sod intently, looking for any signs of movement. Whoever was in there, she hoped, knew that she wasn't addressing them. Not really.

When it didn’t, she sighed. “Got a secret for you, ‘ma, if you can keep it.” She leaned towards the grass and lowered her voice conspiratorially. “I’ve no water to shed. I’ll mourn you later, when we’re done sorting out what mess we’ve gotten ourselves into now.”

Still the grave said nothing, so Tiamat shrugged. She stood, and patted the earth a final time, where there was a small hump disturbing the levelness of the grass. Then, she left.

Plots/Ideas: I'd like to start a pack with her in the distant future. But for now, she'll either join Ashen or its Armada, though I wouldn't be opposed to her acting as a sort of spy in other packs. Intelligence/Fighting or Intelligence/Navigation.