
2020 Self Care Plan



3 Years
12-30-2019, 07:31 AM
The gentle cough was enough to alert Fer that she was not alone. That subconscious shiver tickled her spine and ran to the tip of her tail so that each little hair momentarily danced on end. It could not be helped- her body did not react well to being snuck up on even with so polite an interjection as a simple clearing of the throat. This time it was someone without initial malice or ill intentions but there was no promise of these things every time. Following the brief tensing of her muscles and that shiver Fer's body calmed into a poised relaxation; a cautious confidence. 

Fer's nose was purposefully pointed in Iolaire's direction and her tarnished gaze wandering briefly over  the monochromatic woman's form. In a now eerie silence, save the sounds of the bugs and the swamp herself in the background a cacophony of clicks, Fer's body was rigid and still with the except of her trusted nose, her nares flaring wildly and quickly with each rapid breath she attempted to take in more and more of this stranger's scent. Between nose and eye sizing up this small woman the best she knew how- there was a feverish pitch to her motions, practiced and poised but greedy all the same. As was life's game was it not? Creatures constantly engaging and disengaging, the sooner you figured out the ones you were engaging with the better off you were. Fer understood that much despite not finding company pleasurable. If only she could manage to care what image others got of her when they did the same dance... For now the murk and mire coated woman was otherwise silent; the sound of her breathing the only addition to the ambiance, gaze questioning and steady on her company.     