Ow and Ow!
12-30-2019, 09:28 AM
I'll tough it out, I won't give in
Álarr gestured to Brynhilder who took her sharp beak and picked up the thorns while he grasped the leather bracer. Working carefully together they began to wrap the thorns around, the raven using her greater dexerity to wrap the thorns snuggling several times around the top and bottom and tying them in a knot. Álarr would then carefully add on some resin to help hold it in place. He supposed he should've paid more attention to the voice of the stranger lurking somewhere in the briar but it sounded young and familiar so he didn't worry too much about it. If Afi was awake instead of laying somewhere in a patch of sun he'd have lectured Álarr about it. So far the boys fight record had been subpar and the cat would call him foolish for not being more alert when he could only just defend himself. Álarr didn't care really. He wanted to be a healer, not a fighter.
Satisfied that they'd finished the bracer, Álarr was just about to pull out more from his pack when the stranger burst dramatically onto the scene. The yell startled Álarr who instinctively sprang back, right into more brambles where he let out a yowl of pain. The attacker skidded to a wild stop, pitching into the thorns herself as she yelled out. Álarr went to move his head to get a better look when he realized his horns were stuck in the thorns!
"Oh no! Pesto!"
Crap, what was she doing running at him like that? He jerked his head, thrashing wildly before he finally pulled his head free and flopped down onto the ground. He glanced up at the girl questioningly. "What are you doing all the way out here?"