
Sunny Days




6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
12-30-2019, 09:47 AM

Harbringr chuckled at the girls reply as he reached out with a single claw to etch four marks in the stone that would divide the dial into four quadrants. Four seemed like enough for now. He didn't really need to tell exact time, only separate out the main portions of the day. "Don't worry, I've never been able to do it myself. I find a good bite to the ass of the perpetrators is what makes me feel better." Of course he doubted Deathbelle would want him telling her daughter this. She was raising princes and princesses, not heathens and Harbringr tended to stray toward the later. Ari chuckled at the girls words as well, catching Harbringr's eye and puffing out his chest. Hari clicked his tongue and tapped at the stone to which the monkey begrudgingly grabbed his chisel and began to create deeper marks in the stone where the older wolf had indicated.

"She still believes in it, and in Dad."

Hari couldn't help himself, he winced. Neither he nor Hannibal had been overly thrilled with her new religion, especially as it resolved around one mortal man who could very well have been pulling an elaborate con to get at a woman well above his station. At least that was how Harbringr saw it. He hated to see Deathbelle falling for it hook line and sinker but he knew there was little her could do about it. Telling her to stop would only make her dig in her heels all the more. He just hoped she would not start forcing her new religion on the whole pack. He loved his sister but he would not pretend to worship something he did not believe in.

He sighed. "I'd rather hoped she let it go when Archon died. I thought surely nothing would show how mortal Archon was then his own mortality. A corpse is a corpse. A spirit is a spirit. Neither makes one a god in the after life." Harbringr did find himself glad that Pesto was holding her own against this indoctrination though it put him in a difficult spot with his sister. Hopefully, they could all find a way to coexist with each other in this matter. Though Harbringr secretly hoped Belle would come to her senses but what could he really say to someone dealing with this grief? It embarrassed him. He knew her pain. He'd been there but he hadn't the slightest idea what to say. After all, he'd work through his own grief alone. Hari only knew how to work through it solo.

"I don't want to live here anymore, I want to go back home. How long until I'll be allowed to go by myself?"

He glanced back at Pesto who was wiggling the stick. Hari dipped his paws into more clay and patted the clay around the cracks before placing a paw on either side of the stick to stabilize it. "Preach! If we stay here during the summer we are going to cook alive. However, I'm sure the Empress will move us. There's no way she'd keep the pack in such a barren place during the hottest season." Though in truth they could move back to their old territory now. He was not sure yet why they hadn't but perhaps she was waiting to see that the volcano really was done.

"How has your training been going?"