
Beautiful woman, deadly nightshade

Seasonal fight prompt, beginner fighters?



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-30-2019, 02:34 PM

So tantalizingly close, Lurid was just shy of biting into the smaller wolf's face, closing teeth around the fur of the girl's cheek rather than flesh. It was then that the grey girl pressed into Lurid's chest, raised onto her hind paws and attempted to bite at the goddess's throat next to her jaw. Lifting her head, Lurid stepped forward into the flailing front paws of the girl, recieving superficial scratches and more irritation in the stranger's odd attack. She just managed to pull her head out of the way in time, feeling the fur at the base of her jaw snag in her effort. While the scratching burned and stung, the much smaller girl had placed herself in danger.

In her steps forward, Lurid hoped to half roll the girl beneath her chest and pin her in place there, basically making a Tsunami fortune cookie. This could be circumvented by the girl back-stepping, though Lurid would be moving quick. Should her Tsunami roll prove successful, Lurid would snake her head out and snap her jaws shut on the smaller woman's hind leg if it was within reach. The aim here once she got her bite would be to grasp and shake the leg until the girl submitted. With so much of a size difference between the two, the offending stranger would be easy for Lurid to pin, though it could be avoided with a few simple backward steps.

Lurid Amarix vs Tsunami for Dominance(?) aka a hissy fit...
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'You.'
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!