
S.O.S (save our sheep)



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-30-2019, 07:39 PM

The young man motioned her over and she obliged, padded closer, lightly sniffing in the direction of the lamb. Halla padded along behind her just slightly behind her. He spoke of a man in his pack who raised and bred prey animals. She had to agree, it was a good idea, especially now that prey was scarce. Drífa hoped that the prey would bounce back as the volcano subsided but it would take years for some areas to begin to grown plant life again.

"A pleasure. My name is Drífa." She glanced up at the ledge the lamb had jumped from and frowned before moving closer to examine the lamb. It recoiled from her as she leaned in to sniff it. The lamb had scraped it's nose well from the fall and it was holding one of its legs closer to its body. She shrugged her pack off and gestured for Halla to join her.

"Halla, I'm going to get something for the lamb's scrapes. Can you check that limb for a break?"

The macaque nodded and took the leg in her hands as she massaged the leg, pushing gently here and there before resting a hand on the base of the hoof and pushing. The lamb was not fond of the attention and bleated at one point but the macaque seemed satisfied. "No signs of a full break. However, I can't rule out a potential crack. She's favoring it quite a bit and some of the muscles are definitely strained."

Drífa nodded as she pulled out a number of herb bundles and little jars. "We can ease her pain and help the swelling but she'll need help getting out of here. Do you have a way to carry her?" Drífa had a travois in Winterfell that she was finishing up but it would be of no help here and she wasn't sure what was available in this gorge. They could try putting the lamb across his back but she doubted it would stay.

"I talk" | 'I think'