
A reunion

for Ignis



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
12-30-2019, 09:00 PM
A lot had changed, but Ignis had a funny (and comforting) way of making him feel like nothing had changed at all. At least between them, no matter how much distance or time separated them. He didn't have to let the heavy weight of his responsibilities, or his future, weigh on him quite so heavily when around his best friend. Almost immediately he let those feelings fall from his shoulders, at least temporarily, beyond glad to see him. "And to think you look like the one who could walk through fire," Corvus teased lightly, a grin breaking out over his features. He wasn't so sure he was as invincible as Ignis might like to believe; and he wondered, too, if his lack of fear might be foolish. They couldn't let fear rule their lives now, could they? His father had warned him of lots of things, of the rapids, of wolves from faraway packs - he'd never warned him about the volcano and it had proved to be the thing they should've feared the most. There was too much unknown to really dwell on it, and he was happy to make light of it, even if the things they were joking about were pretty serious things.

He laughed at Ignis's jesting, though he couldn't help but feel a spark of warmth at his admission. Would he really thrust himself into danger to look for him? Corvus had no doubt he'd do the same for Ignis, but hearing the opposite confirmed made him feel strange - in a good way, but still strange. He had plenty of wolves who cared for him like that, back in Abaven, but unlike them Ignis wasn't bound to him by kinship or duty, and that made his unwavering loyalty that much more special to him. He didn't have long to dwell on those thoughts though, snorting at the thought. "If you ventured into that mess just to look for him, and put yourself in harm's way, even if you made it out alright I would've killed you for being so stupid," he was only half-serious. He knew Ignis had responsibilities here, to his pack and his family, that would've made such a rescue mission completely foolish... but he appreciated the thought nonetheless.

Ignis was quick to give him an update on what all had been going on. They'd been busy, but more importantly... they were going to raid? Not just anyone, but Abaven? His nose wrinkled. It didn't really sound like just training, even if they weren't trying to actually hurt anyone. Training was always good, wasn't it? The thought wasn't settling well with him. They'd lost so much in the last season or so that he had a hard time believing everyone in the pack would take such a thing as good-spirited. "Not taking hostages, but.. then what's the point?" His voice was careful, though it had lost its former playful tone, and his expression was furrowed and slightly confused. He was glad Ignis had told him, but already he was grappling with his thoughts of how he should feel about this news - let alone what to do about it. "I'm sorry, that's just.. a surprise," Corvus finished dumbly, giving Ignis an almost apologetic look.