
for the world.



10 Years
08-21-2013, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2013, 07:41 PM by Ara.)

It seemed as though the moon had just barely begun to show its shimmering white face when once again, it disappeared as the sun began to peek over the horizon, sending gentle rays of pink and orange across the land. It was barely dawn, not yet morning but not quite night either. For some reason, Ara was restless, and found herself stirring gently awake. This time, however, it was not from her father's gentle nudges or kisses, but from nothing at all. Why was it that some days she woke so early, while others she felt as though she could sleep the whole day away? Without a sound she wriggled from her father's grasp, slowly opening her eyes and parting her jaws in a silent yawn.

Immediately her attention was captured by the dull colorful light that barely shone in the entrance of her family's den. Eyes were wide as she sleepily pushed herself onto all fours, wonder shining in those vivid blue orbs as she stared expectantly. Never had she seen anything so pretty, in all of the two months that she had been alive! A soft whimper escaped her throat as she padded forward, tail wagging shakily behind her. Maybe she should wake up her parents? What if the pretty light was something dangerous, but was just disguised as being pretty? With obvious hesitance, she stuck her small head from the den's opening, gaze dancing over the sky. It was not blue, or black, like normal -- but a gorgeous pink that started at the horizon and faded to orange as she tilted her head further toward the heavens.

It really was amazing, and she found herself growing captivated by the scene. Behind the colors and the few clouds that dotted the sky, were faint stars, glimmering from their place in the sky. She had never been awake so early; all she knew was day and night. Not that there was something in-between like this. Amazement painted her delicate features as the young girl slunk from the den, flopping to the ground nearby her home. She had been so engrossed, she had hardly noticed she'd stepped out into the world -- for merely the second time ever. With her attention captured by what lay above her, she didn't feel unsure or afraid like she usually did.