
this won't hurt a bit


08-21-2013, 06:38 PM


She didn't quite understand herself. She should've reveled in that first bit of him calling her 'Master'. She had with the mutt Kypsis. Why was this time different? ... Perhaps it was because of how forlorn and hopeless he sounded as he said it- but that didn't make sense, that was supposed to be part of the fun: watching him break down and submit to her will. With another wolf it might've been that clear. But not this time. Silverback twitched an ear dismissively. Why was it that she could be such a softly some times? She hadn't enjoyed his little display of spirit and rebellion earlier, but it had been better than this. If he proved uncomfortable and annoying to talk to, maybe she would just leave him.

Course that was just her spite talking, and it was only rialed up because.... because, well she didn't know. Perhaps she had a real problem. She LOVED to be in control, to dominate, and yet, she also liked to be liked. In a random stranger it would've matter, but her pets were wolves that she wanted to keep for a nice long while. If it proved unpleasant, what point was there to it? She should've been getting some pleasure out of his unhappiness, but she wasn't really.

"My name's Silverback," she muttered dismissively. She was already turning away, tail swishing irritably. She'd deal with this later. He needed time to let things settle in, and she needed something to kill.

