
It's The End of The World As We Know It - Phase 3



01-02-2020, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2020, 08:58 PM by Ardent.)
<div style="padding:20px;"><p><center><img src="/images/lands/east/MountVolkan.jpg"></p>

Mount Volkan’s smoke slows to a soft flow. Some tremors may still be present, but the volcano no longer shoots debris into the sky. Ashen skies are still widespread through the lands.</center> </div>

<div class=thead>Summer Weather</div>

<div style="padding:20px;"><b>Boreas</b>: Summer barely feels like summer. It’s pleasant and warm, but not hot enough to feel like a true summer. Because of this, many prey animals are breeding as if its Spring! Plants are slowly beginning to grow back, but not even half as plentiful as during typical summers.

<b>Auster</b>: It’s pleasant and cool, but not cold enough to feel like true summer in Auster. </div>

<div class=thead>Zone Map</div>

<div style="padding:20px;"><center><a href="/images/events/volcano/Phase3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="/images/events/volcano/Phase3.jpg" width=500px></a></center>
<div class=tcat>Zone 1</div>

<span style="color:#741709;"><b>DEATH ZONE - FLEE IMMEDIATELY</b></span>

<u>Lands:</u> None!

<div class=tcat>Zone 2</div>

<b><span style="color:#D06419;">IMMINENT THREAT ZONE</b></span>

<u>Lands:</u> Mount Volkan

<i>Wildfires rampant, earthquakes frequent, ash blocks out the sky, low prey, frigid temperatures in areas without fires, fallen ash coats the ground.</i>

<font color="#D06419">These lands cannot be claimed currently, as they are considered <b>UNINHABITABLE</b>.</font>

<div class=tcat>Zone 3</div>

<b><span style="color:#E0DA26;">HIGH RISK ZONE</b></span>

<u>Lands:</u> Stone Steppe, Singing Caverns, Redbud Nook, Sunset Falls, Hot Springs, Weeping Woods, Tall Grass Plains, Weeping Woods, Sea’s Plain, Alabastrine Shrine, Nephilim Island, Inu Island, Obsidian Beach, Corpseghoul Swamplands, The Rio Grande, Soulless Forest, Travelers’ Pitfall

<i>Unpredictable tides and flooding, minor earthquakes frequently, ash covers the sky giving a dim and stormy look, temperatures dipping below the normal range, fish and debris often washing up on shore, large tsunami-like waves crashing onto the islands on occasion.</i>

<div class=tcat>Zone 4</div>

<b><span style="color:#26E218">MILD RISK ZONE</b></span>

<u>Lands:</u> Firefly Lake, Rustling Thicket, Monument Rapids, Lover’s Mangrove, Rekaru Island, Dove Island, Ibon Isle, Wildberry Grove, The Bifrost, Gambit Briar, Time’s Cavern, Fern Gilley, The Whispering Caves, The Orchard, Buffalo Knolls, Stylianos Crypt, Fenrir’s Maw, The Rock Garden

<i>Tremors rarely, ash keeps the sky bleak, frequent heavy rainstorms, temperatures below the norm.</i>

<div class=tcat>Zone 5</div>


<u>Lands</u>: Everywhere else

<i>Slightly lower than usual temperatures for summer, wildlife patterns still disturbed, tremors quite rare.</i>

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1. It's The End of The World As We Know It - Phase 3 Updates/Events Archive 08:58 PM, 01-02-2020 09:32 AM, 07-02-2024