
Among Clashing Tides


08-21-2013, 07:11 PM

With him deciding on a question for her Seraphine pushed herself up and back a few steps till half her body was outside the shelter. Ears twitched, waiting to hear his voice, her front paws going to work, lightly digging at the ground, pulling away the dried up dirt and trying to bring up some of the cooler moist dirt. She managed to get about two inches of the top layer off, exposing some cool dirt when Taurig finally thought of a question, has she ever been up near the north? She passed, her head tilting to the side in thought. She couldn't remember being near snow as a child, so she assumed she hadn't been up there. "No sir, only been around the volcano and a bit in the east." She answered with a small smile, throwing her mismatched gaze at him briefly.

"Are you a heir or prince?" It was her turn, and she would make this into little question game. What made her ask if he was a prince, easy, the way he talked. Most wolves didn't talk in such a manner, not so polite. She would turn her head away from him, taking a few more steps back, tongue hanging out the side of her jaws, panting a bit as she now fully stood in the sunlight. "You can scoot over, it'll be cooler." She moved out of sight, walking a few feet to inspect a small piece of metal like the one they were using as shelter. "I can still hear." She rose her voice a bit, moving away from the too small metal to look for a different one that was bigger.


Awesome image by Trynx <3