
Star Within The Ashes

Friendly Folk if possible xD (although if anyone wants to do fighting or intellect skills who is also at his skill level, that's fine!)



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-02-2020, 10:55 PM

Keen teal eyes noted the wolf’s sudden stop as he called out. However, after a moment, her head dipped and her eyes tracked down and her response brought a smile to the wrinkles of his eyes and a twitch to the soft lips of his muzzle. So, she was a healer, or an herb enthusiast?

“I’d be willing to offer myself as a torch if you need it. The skies are so dark these days there’s little ambient light.” It was an odd offer from anyone other than a glowing horse or one with a literal torch of flame on a stick.

Her conversation was taken as a conservative acceptance of his approach, and so he did, hooves thumping softly on the ground until he stopped at a respectful distance, to make conversation easier as he rumbled easily, “I came to the continent a bit before the mountain erupted. I was lucky to be on the western end here when it blew. The ash and upset will settle in time, though. Nothing can last forever. Aside from the leaner pickings, I'm well.”

His eyes shifted to scan the dark for any other shadowy forms, habit of the creature he was. As blasé as he could be, he was still prey.

“And you, Lady? I take it you’re a healer?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think