
trouble is a friend of mine


08-21-2013, 07:33 PM

It seemed like the days grew longer when trapped inside a cliff. The male would lay there most of the day, a dull look in his copper eyes, the only movement coming from him was the paw he used to roll moss into a ball then roll around in a circle. Sometimes he would play with himself, smacking the moss ball into the wall then charging after it, throwing it up to bounce off the ceiling and catching it in his mouth. He would even drop it over the tunnel's edge, watch it get tossed around by the waves below. He tried not to think too much, or else it would make him sad, to know that there was no chance in him escaping the place alive.

How long had it been since Silverback was last here. A few hours, days, weeks? It was hard to keep track in here. Nuka would find himself pacing a lot, counting his steps, watching the birds fly freely in the sky.

Today he had been fooling around, crouched low to the ground, stalking around his hole. He would lunge, jaws snapping at the air as if something was there, then he would hop back. That was when he heard something, he froze, ears perked up, listening very carefully, ignoring the grumbling of his stomach. There! Something was coming! Even though their last encounter wasn't the best, the boy found himself being excited that the feline had come back. He wouldn't greet her though, waiting patiently like a good little boy. Nope.He had different plans.

While here alone the boy got to learn his tunnel, and so he went to a spot he thought was secret, lowering himself lose to the ground, pressed up against the side of the cave. In no time she appeared, dropping an animal on the ground, announcing she brought food before sitting back. He moved, slowly, silently along the wall. Surely she would spot him before he could get close enough, that's why he stopped behind a rock, a toothy grin plastered on his face. The he made his move, jumping out from behind his hiding spot, landing just beside the pig, giving a playful bark. "Boo!" His tail wagged behind him as he waited for the felines reaction, eyes wide, hopeful for something, tongue hanging out the side of his jaws.
