
Where the dogs of society howl




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-03-2020, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2020, 05:50 PM by Sirius.)

One by one they filed in, coming quickly to his call. First came the slaves, and his eyes glanced across them. Odette came to sit in Zee’s shadow, and he could sense the excitement in his wife. Was she thinking about her time spent in Deathbelle’s service? He felt a growing fondness for the shy little slave - if Zee loved her, then he could certainly tolerate her. “Odette” he returned to her greeting, but did not open the floor for conversation.

The very small healer came in next, and well she seemed a social creature, it did not surprise him that she took a more isolated spot back from the Alphas. He knew exactly who would be joining her soon. He nodded his head in her direction, and cast his eyes to Bird. He looked a little star-struck, perhaps in joy at the cleared land. Sirius had found him at the Shrine, where the territory had been truly terrible, and full of ash.

His Io came then, nice and early, and shortly after their meeting call. He grinned at her, and she came to sit beside him in a seat of honour. Odette might be cowering in Zee’s shadow, but Io sat tall and proud. He was glad she sat a little to the side, or despite her posture, she would have been hidden behind his larger bulk.

Then Resin, who sat beside her sister. Eliphas who he had seen little of the last season. Killian and Banshee rolled in last, but still in a timely manner. He nodded to each and every wolf as they arrived, and realised that the arrival of the last two meant all of his pack before him.

The Warlord sat tall among them, his Queen at his side, his Council behind him in the form of Io. This was the budding first members of his pack, the ones whose presence helped with its creation. The originals. Whomever might come next, he would remember these faces with pride.

“As some of you might have discovered already, the Volcano has subsided and our chosen territory is once more habitable. The herds wonder in that direction once more. Most of you have little in the way of possessions, and most of our belongings are already there where our home will be. We do however have bedding, herbs and food stockpiles we will be bringing with us. As we leave the Oasis we will load the wagons with these belongings. I expect everyone to work together to ensure a quick dismantling of this pack. At which point, we will make or way over to Redwater Rocks and assist the Empire in loading up supplies, and travel together as one large group. Congratulations all, today we are going home.” he left room for Zee to speak, and to give the dismissal. As soon as she did so, he work would begin.
