
for the world.



10 Years
08-21-2013, 08:28 PM
It was strange for a pup to seem mysterious, but if Ara was anything it was indeed this; she lacked much of the normal enthusiasm displayed by most children. Instead, she watched Loccian with a wary demeanor, her curiosity withheld. She was not at all a typical looking child. She'd inherited her father's light tan fur, as well as her mother's black fur -- and two odd stripes of brown that set her apart from her siblings. She'd never seen her reflection, but knew she had a sharp contrast in fur color, able to see the light fur of her chest. Still her blue eyes remained fixated on the grey lady. Briefly she turned to look over her shoulder, as though expecting to see someone creep out of the den and scold her for wandering away on her own.

Instead, all she saw was darkness. She tilted her head back to Loccian, brows furrowing a bit. "Y... yes..." Ara whispered, her voice hardly audible at all, such a small voice even for a child. Loccian noted it was pretty, eliciting a grin from month and a half old girl, even as she took a step closer. The lady was very pleasant looking, despite her size. Blue gaze lingered briefly on the scar on her shoulder, noting her father had a similar marking on him. What was it? She had only questioned him once, and he had seemed to brush her off. Gently she leaned to press her nose near the scar, eyes wide with curiosity. Of course, Ara had no idea it was a scar ... or what a scar even was. It just looked strange, and she wanted to know; especially what her daddy had over his eye. And what better way to ask?