
A bit of Sea




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-03-2020, 11:05 PM

He was still watching Bast, he still didn’t understand what she was frightened of. It wasn’t until she ran past him and kept going - at the same time that Bird cried out, he realised his mistake. He was looking the wrong bleeding way! He threw himself in the direction of Bast, looking for the threat - and - what in all the hells?

He had never seen a bird so large in his life! He had no concept of what an Andean Condor was, all he knew was some winged beast out of nightmares had descended upon them. Its wingspan was larger than his great height, its body a rival to his own. He almost froze, startled as he was, but Bast didn’t. His loyal companion, who loved as easily as Zee did charged, and leaped, grabbing a talon in her mouth. For a moment, Sirius thought she would do it, and then, a moment after, he thought he was about to lose both of them. As, despite the great load of Bird and Bast beneath it, the bird still managed to make air. He opened his mouth to bellow in anger, when Bast tore the talon free and fell the short distance back to earth. Sirius continued his bellow, turning it into a howl.

He chased the bird as it lifted his Bird. At least it was slow to gather height, but curses, it was actually going to get away with this! The bird continued in a straight line, just above his head and ahead of him as he raced in a neck-breaking speed after it, leaves smacking the both of them until they hit the open air before the ocean. no! hr thought in horror, and then, finally, Marshal was there. His vulture had heard his cry. He had always considered the midnight-blue creature large and magnificent, but he was nothing but a shadow to this great demon-beast of a bird. Bless his heart, the vulture didn’t even hesitate, diving into the Condor and hitting it with all his weight square on its back. The impact knocked Marshal out and he began to fall. Sirius leapt, catching the smaller bird in his jaw, and dropping him gently to the ground before leaping at the Condor. It was closer to earth now, knocked off course by Marshal’s impact. Sirius leapt, grabbing a full leg in his mouth, and yanking downwards. Bast leaped from the other side, grabbing the other talon, and the two of them crashed this great demon beast to the ground.

Sirius didn’t hesitate, he went straight for its neck and bit, killing it as swiftly as he could. His heart still hammered heavily in his chest, and fear widened his eyes. He had been almost utterly useless. A bird! Never had he…

As soon as the bird was dead, he leapt for its talons, prying them from Birds side, ripping them off his slave, and pulling the smaller wolf free of the wreckage. “Bird!” he barked, possessive, concerned, as he began to lick the wounds in the small mans side.