

Silent I


11 Years
08-21-2013, 08:38 PM

His touch was one of the best things to feel first thing in the morning. Despite being by herself the past couple of years, she missed his affectionate nuzzles and loving kisses every day when she woke up. Now, as she lay in the glow of the morning light, her pups, and her beloved husband, she knew she didn't have to want for anything anymore. Everything she could ever want was there for her to enjoy and not take for granted.
She sighed gently at Bronze's words and tenderly licked his muzzle, nose brushing against his cheek before she pulled her head back. "Our family is the most important thing to live for, Bronze. Nothing else will ever come first." Her green gaze moved down to her beloved pups. Three of the four were awake, getting ready for the day and energy evident in their actions. She nuzzled a handsome Mercury, covering his face with numerous kisses and nibbles around his tummy. "Good morning, my little man," she cooed, giggling softly into his belly fur.
Silent then felt a soft bump against her chest and she saw Ara resting against her while looking up at Bronze. Ahhh. Definitely a daddy's girl in the making. Silent could already tell she would be attached to her father like a burr to fur. Smiling softly, she moved her affections to her daughter, cold and wet black nose snuggling deep into Ara's black underside. "Hello, Ara," she softly said, kissing on her ears and scooping her up with one front paw.
Faolan's antic was definitely something she didn't expect so early in the morning. His silvery, fluffy self found himself laying on his back, bottom half of his body in the air and above his head. She raised an eyebrow to his whimper and wagging tail and couldn't help but laugh at him. Bronze's words made her ears perk and after watching Faolan tumble backward to land, splay-legged with his short hind legs sticking out at funny angles, she shook her head and turned her attention to Bronze. "What exactly do you have planned for today, my love?" she asked in tender and concerned tones. It had been a good month since she had left the den, so if he was thinking of doing just that...she waited for his response before she showed any type of reaction to his idea.
As her attention was on Bronze, Silent hadn't forgotten about Jendai. The sleeping pup was still next to her mother, giving Silent more of a reason to curl her tail around the quiet babe. She made sure Jendai was covered with her thick, black plumage, protecting her from any sudden cool, summer breezes that found their ways into the den. Jendai's fur was white, reflecting any heat that would probably sneak in near her. Silent made sure she was warm enough to keep on sleeping. At some point, however, she knew her beloved daughter would have to wake up soon. With all of the ruckus her siblings were making, how could she not?
