
Among Clashing Tides



5 Years
Extra large
08-21-2013, 08:47 PM

He watched with a curious icy gaze as Seraphine began to stand, pushing half of her body from beneath the shade of the shelter. Taurig stirred, about to stand as well to tell her that if he was taking up too much room that he could elsewhere to shelter himself, but he then realized that she wasn't leaving. She was digging, making a little bit beneath the shelter to bring up the cooler earth beneath the cracked crust. He relaxed, watching her as she tore away at the top layer of the dirty until she'd made a little hole in the dirt. As his words reached her ears, she paused her work, tilting her head at him as she answered his question. No sir, only been around the volcano and a bit in the east. She gave him a smile at the end, bringing his own to tug at the corners of his inky lips. Sir. That was such a funny term. He was no sir. His father was a sir, but not him. He still had a long way before he became a sir.

Are you a heir or prince? The question made him laugh. A prince? An heir? He was hardly such a thing. My father is the King of the pack Glaciem, but no I'm not a prince. I'm just a warrior. He answered simply, honesty ringing in his words. She continued with her digging until she'd peeled away about two inches from the top, now fully standing in the glare of the sun, panting from the exertion as she offered him her place in the cool dirt. She moved off before he could fully protest, apparently looking for somewhere to reside under, telling him that she could still hear over her shoulders. Seraphine are you sure? Your coat is much darker than mine. You should be the one lying here in the cool dirt, not me. He didn't move from his curled ball, staring at the spot where the young woman had been, hoping she would return back to the shade before she overheated.

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