
bad to you


01-04-2020, 01:44 PM

words  "Speech"

'And you can call me Sirius. I'm sure it will be a great hardship, but I will persevere and remain pretty in your absence.' There was a sense of satisfaction that Lotus felt when she was finally able to obtain his name. He was no longer her stranger but Sirius. A name to a face, a much handsomer face now that he had a new scar upon it. She caught herself smiling slightly as she worked and quickly wiped her face of it, she didn't need this man to think that she was fawning over him. Lotus was just.. happy to have company again. And the fact that he was keeping her busy was surprisingly pleasant. 'Excellent. Thank you for your assistance. Feel free to help yourself to a meal. But while you do so, consider for me the prospect of joining my Armada. I need wolves who don't flinch in my ranks, and you fit the bill.' Initially Lotus had had no intentions of joining any packs, but Sirius offered a hard bargain. It also pleased her that he thought she was useful, of course she knew that she was but having someone else acknowledge that was.. different. "How could I say no when there is the great possibility that you will have many more wounds that need healing?" She mused before finally inching away from him as they had still been sitting rather close to one another. Tentatively she gripped a hearty portion from the dead coyote's underbelly, her fangs instantly ripping the flesh and carrying it a few paces from Sirius. She lowered herself to the ground then, front paws placing themselves on the meat as she began to tear at it. It had been so long since she had had a fresh meal and this food was still warm. It was heaven, it was everything that she needed. She glanced over at Sirius then, a small genuine smile offered to him before she swallowed her bite. "I accept your offer.. plus it can't be nearly as bad as being on my own." She spoke nonchalantly, her small stub of a tail giving a subtle wag before she continued to eat her meal.