
arts n crafts



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020
01-04-2020, 10:11 PM
After spending so much time cooped up in the den, Sio was enjoying her newfound freedom. With the advent of her one year birthday passing her father had finally seemed to let out the breath he had been holding other the past few months. Despite developing "affliction," she'd survived to semi-adulthood. Independence felt good. There was some discussion about where the pack might be headed in the coming season and so she wanted to take advantage of their current position in the west. There was still so much to explore! Secretly she hoped they would return home, but it felt childish to admit it out loud.

Her travels today took her to the very depths of Glowshroom Cavern. She'd heard whispers of it for a long time - so much so that she occasionally had incredibly vivid dreams about a place she'd never seen. Glowing fungus sounded fascinating and the perfect thing to add to her painting repertoire. Its pull was irresistible. The mouth of the cavern was unassuming - mossy, a bit damp, but not unusual. No obvious clues to what might within. The deeper she went, the darker it got. Eventually all light seemed to snuff out and she was left alone in the darkness with her thoughts. "Hmmm..." Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, she ventured just a little bit further until the barest hint of light could be seen at the end of the tunnel. With her interest renewed she trotted deeper and deeper until everything around her was bathed in a gentle blue light. 

"Wow," she gasped. Shroom caps of all sizes and shapes were growing from the damp crevices in the rock. Her eyes grew wide in amazement. These were perfect. Taking care to be as gentle as possible, she started to harvest a few different sizes and shapes of the mushroom caps.