
you could haveit all, my empire of dirt

archbelle babs



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-04-2020, 11:58 PM

A monochromatic flood happened upon the clearing as the rest of his dearest litter mates filed in. Sharp emerald eyes took in each one of his siblings. Warmth filled his heart as a little grin slipped across his lips. They were incredibly competitive, some more then others, but it was evident they all truly cared for one another. Despite Plague's reclusive nature he still found comfort while being surrounded by any of them. Yet, the sapling's thoughts were interrupted by that of a demand from the brood mother herself. Where do I see myself as an adult? The young ghoul could not fathom true adulthood for the thought of it was so far out of reach, yet so fast approaching. Plague's tail flicked in thought as he listened to his kin's responses. Cala was quick to announce the rank of High Priestess, Pest grasped for Sirius' position, and Toxicity was unsure. Each of the answers were unique and he could understand each of them. But, where did that leave him?

Plague knew he desired to pursue knowledge, defense, fighting, and navigation. Four broad areas that may lead him down a more narrow path once he figured out his true desires. But, that didn't help him much in those pressing moments. "Right Hand to the Empress." Or whomever may hold the throne at the time. Plague could imagine himself upon his mother's throne but he would not aim so high just yet. There was a lot to figure out within and growth to be had. Also, he was sure Venom would be itching to be the true Heiress.