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6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Treat 2019
01-05-2020, 01:16 AM
A single word fell from her lips and he glanced at her for a moment, studying whether or not that was meant to mock him or something. He sniffed, determining it was perhaps just a simple and honest question and he nodded. "Yeah." How could he not be? The world he was born into had turned dark and gray and bleak pretty fast. With his father's death and his mother's absence...he felt like all the other pups hated him, which he didn't really blame them for, either. He felt so alone and disconnected that he didn't know how to interact with the others and his bullying them was the only way he knew how. They didn't make an effort to help him feel included, and neither did the stupid alphess. She cried about how much she loved his father but all he could think was how it didn't extend to his other children. Maybe she was doing it out of contempt for them. Because she wasn't the only one to bear his children.

But what did he know? He was just a kid.

But he certainly spent a lot of time thinking about how unair it all was. And he often wondered how different things would be if his dad were still alive. Would he be doing his best to make him proud? Or would he still be the sulky, bitter, miserable child he felt? It was hard to tell, but he felt that maybe his outlook on things would be much better than they were now. "Do you think about him? And the things he said?" He asked quietly, keeping his gaze on the horizon instead of looking at her.