
Klein Adoptables v2

revamped adoption page



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Treat 2019
01-05-2020, 02:07 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2020, 05:30 PM by Gadreel.)

OOC Name: Dragon
Character Name: Onyx Blitzkrieg Klein
Gender: Male
Design: My own
Litter: cousin
Appearance: Blitzkrieg dons similar coloring to the rest of his relatives. He has a smoky gray base coat with white and black flecks (almost mottling) sprinkled all across his coat from head to tail. Hind legs are painted black while his forelegs are partially white with black patches. The fur on the edge of his paws is fringed white and heavily furred, of course, giving him better insulation against colder environments. Blitz also has black streaks that run beneath his eyes to the corners of his lips. He's got a white blaze on the bridge of his nose, lighter gray on his underside from chest to abdomen, and he has a thick silver fringed mohawk. Icy blue eyes always appear sharp, mean-looking even, but don't worry. He's not that mean. He's big, he's burly, he's thick furred, he's muscular. Think generic muscular Russian henchman looking guy and that's him. Blitz is accustomed to colder climates but has no problem adapting to warmer or tropical climates despite his thick fur. His facial features are chiseled and sharp, eyes seemingly hawkish which stand out more with that icy blue color. Being a cousin of the main family branch but raised in a different world after the tragedy that struck the kingdom, Onyx developed a thick Russian accent from a very young age.

Personality: Onyx is a man that shouldn't be trifled with. On the outside, he may appear aloof and lazy, but in reality, he can be pretty damn ruthless. He's a true warrior through and through. He may mock his opponents, act like he doesn't know what he's doing if only to throw them off their game. He takes family and tradition seriously and dislikes when outsiders mock or threaten his own. Sometimes he may laugh about it, act like he isn't bothered by it, but as he plays along with the "jokes" and the "teases", he's actually using that to plot how he's about to rip out your tongue. Or, at the very least, really, really hurt you. He isn't above fighting dirty, though being as big and burly as he is, he hardly has to do it. With strangers, he's less amicable. He can put on a show and this and that, act like everything's all well and good, but he prefers to keep the company of his own relatives. This is likely due to his upbringing. Raised in a solitary world after his mother died, he grew up with his father who lived with a pack of wolves whose entire life revolved around fighting, raiding, and sieging. Blitz learned how to survive since the moment he could walk, and it's the only life he knows. To cope with a lot of the harsh parts of his life, Blitz took to focusing on becoming a master crafter of arms. He takes pride in his work and shows off his crafts whenever the opportunity presents itself in battle.

Unsurprisingly, Blitz is capable of managing an extremely calm facade even in the face of disaster or times of war. After dealing with and seeing all the extreme aggression between his former pack and rival packs which almost always led to ill-made decisions and full-blown wars, (and the last time resulted in him in being caught and imprisoned for a time), he taught himself how to remain calm even during the worst of circumstances. Furthermore, he can be a passionate man. He takes actions based on whatever catches his interest, such as escaping from his imprisonment when he caught word that the Kleins were rising back from the ashes. He does show some aspects of greed as well as selfish desire; however, he will stay his hand if he is given a good reason to stop. Greed and selfishness, however, is something he does struggle with. Especially since he had been denied so much during his PoW days. Sometimes he has a childlike outlook on things, especially when he's seeing them for the first time. He can become easily excited and surprised when he discovers new things, but don't let his sometimes childlike personality fool you. While he may fall into that rare part of him, he's more dangerous than he lets on. As mentioned before, Onyx has learned to become pretty ruthless. Slaves, enemies, someone he just doesn't like for no to say they best not catch him on a bad day.

RP Sample: 150+ words please!
Plots/Ideas: Seek out the empire and try to make a name for himself among them. I don't have any solid plots to start out with as i prefer to let things go naturally but i'm also up for any and all ideas ;D