
bad to you


01-05-2020, 09:27 AM

words  "Speech"

For the moment she felt a sense of contentment that she hadn't felt in a very long time. Her food was pleasantly filling her once empty stomach and she found herself very intrigued by both Sirius and the idea of his Armada. 'Ah! It's like you know me already.' At that Lotus couldn't help but smirk before responding, "What can I say.. it ain't much but it's honest work." She had finally finished her morsel of meat and was licking her chops as she watched Sirius for a few moments in silence. 'All wolves within my ranks must know the basics of fighting and self defense, but it seems that will be no issue for you. Want to help me drag this beast back home and show you the place?' She rose then, stretching once before walking closer to the male. "Sure, that sounds like a plan. I'd like to scope out my new home anyways." She spoke before reaching down to grab a leg of his prey. It would be much easier and faster to drag the prey back with both of them working together. "After you." She spoke with a nod and a subtle wag of her stub before waiting to follow him home.

/Exit (unless stopped)