
Tree house masters


Sylvia 1


3 Years
01-05-2020, 09:45 PM
His reaction was not at all what Sylvia had expect, for usually her playful banter was met with open arms, however this male seemed more cool to the touch than she originally bargained him to be. A little disappointing perhaps, but the chocolate woman was never one to back down from a challenge. She simply shrugged in response, her grin slipping from her lips slightly. "Who knows, perhaps it would be a nice surprise, no?" Fighting or bedding, this male seemed like a good time regardless. It would seem lovers were in short supplies in the lands of Boreas in comparison to her homeland, instead wolves seemed eager to spar or battle wild beasts, as if their pent up energy could only be released by violence and not passion. Sylvia would pay little mind to it, being a woman of warrior descents anyway. Though perhaps she was unaware of native drama? Some large scale spitfire that was causing so much unrest? A war could very well be on the horizon and she would be complete blind to it if she did not find her cousin's band of raiders soon.

She made a small tsk sound with his next answer, bummed to not have found a wolf with similar vision as herself, but his insight into the wood intrigued her. "And are you one of those wolves, do you think the trees have souls?" She had learned her lesson not to verbally assume such traits, but only a wolf who believed such things would be so verbal about it, in her opinion. Sighing as she sat back on haunches, she peered up at the towering trees with longing violet eyes. "Just as well, I'd probably fall out of whatever home I'd build for myself up there anyway." Her golden vision of a home above the canopy becoming tainted with black ink as she envisioned her own... quickly approaching death. She shuddered at the thought, focusing her attention rather on the males strange scent. Her brows narrowed at him, "You carry a scent not entirely your own, is there a pack nearby I should know about?" Sylvia was eager to join her cousins hoard, but to be caught trespassing could lead her captured, a slave, or even worse.
