
We'll Bring the Shade to Us.

Bonus Seasonal Prompt



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-06-2020, 02:21 PM
Now that the pack had moved to their permanent home, there were many things that needed fine tuning. A pond needed to be dug and lined with sand and rock. Rain would do its job to fill the artificial orifice.  Aside from water to use on her extensive garden, Iolaire was in mighty need of some shade trees. There were plants in the garden that required full or partial shade rather than being melted to death by the sun. So, she was going to get some.

Iolaire called upon her Aunt Meadow the day before. Despite being only a year older than herself, Io looked up to her Aunt and remembered the happy times from when she was a pup. Some of the only happy times, actually. Her childhood had been full of strife, but Meadow had always been a silver lining. She had enjoyed the woman's stories. Her brothers had as well. Meadow had brought happiness to the boys in their short lives and for that, she would always be thankful.

Because of the high esteem that she held Meadow in, Iolaire had asked her if she would mind helping to take care of the garden. The stretch of curling, tapered land was extensive, its edges surrounded by transplanted briars and thorns. A natural fence. The area was quite large and, because of this, it was a lot for one wolf to care for. Iolaire was a friendly woman for the most part, but trust came hard. She didn't trust the newcomers to properly care for her garden, but she did trust Meadow. And so, she invited the woman to help her with its upkeep.

Today, caring for the garden would include procuring shade trees. She had instructed Meadow to meet her at the edge of the Weeping Wood.  A few young willow trees would do them well. Who knew what else they would find in there? Iolaire sat beside Ila, the dwarf caribou harnessed to the small cart that Io had crafted. Ila grazed and Iolaire waited. Hopefully Meadow would arrive soon. They had a lot of work to do and transplanting flora was a tricky process.

This post- 359 Words
Total Count- 359/2500 Words
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.