
Run, Run, Run




6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
01-06-2020, 04:01 PM
It never seemed like there were enough trained bodies to get everything done that Justice thought should be done to protect Valhalla so she rarely left pack lands these days. She hated the thought of being away and the pack being vulnerable. After all, she was one of the highest trained fighters in the pack, and it wasn't conceit that she considered herself to be an expert in the art. But sometimes she just got plain bored to death, and needed to get out or she'd go completely crazy. Still, she told herself that it was just a fact-finding mission, making sure none of their farther neighbors had an itch to raid them or anything.

She wasn't really a hunter by nature, but prey had been scarce enough for long enough that when the scent of mule deer reached her, she paused to watch them with longing interest. It would be good to be able to bring meat home to the pack, but it really wasn't terribly likely she could manage to take one down alone.

But the wind shifted slightly as she crouched there, bringing to her a different scent. Wolf, and... she sniffed again, sorting it out... bobcat maybe? She turned her head to glance in the direction of the scent and was able to make out the form of another wolf, though barely. That earthy color and green eyes of the male helped him blend in, honestly probably a lot better than Justice's own dark slate colors and jewel-toned eyes ever would. Still it could be worse, she could be bright red like Regulus.

The male was showing interest in the deer scent, and Justice's eyes lit with interest. If he was going after them, maybe he wouldn't mind her tagging along? Rather than calling out to the male and risking nearby prey from hearing and fleeing, she slipped closer first, close enough to speak quietly but hopefully not so close he would take a chunk out of her if she'd startled him. "Hey, don't suppose you're in the market for a hunting partner?"