
We'll Bring the Shade to Us.

Bonus Seasonal Prompt



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
01-06-2020, 04:03 PM
She is late. Meadow is always running behind. Today she is going to help transplant some trees and, while it was not a long way for her travel, the woman finds that she has somehow let the time get away from her. Again. As her legs carry her toward the appointed meeting spot, the green-eyed wolf finds herself thinking of how happy she is. Her niece has asked her to help with a garden. Her! The silly aunt that likes to tell stories. Oh how truly happy Iolaire has made her.

The memories of Io and her brothers sitting around a fire, eyes filled with wonder as she gestured and changed her voice to match the tempo of the story fills her mind. She misses the boys, so young, so full of potential and guilt fills her for a moment for having failed them and Resin and Iolaire. Maybe if she had been stronger she could have saved them. A sigh passes her lips and the almost always present smile slips a little.

It does not last long, the sadness passing as the clearing where Io said they would meet comes into a view. The smile once more firmly in place, Meadow trots toward the figure of Iolaire and says, “I am here! Sorry I am late, I do not have good excuse.” A laugh erupts from the woman and she comes to a stop near Io. The woman finally notices the cart and the small reindeer that is attached to it.

It. Is. Adorable! Looking at the cute companion, Meadow exclaims, “Oh my goodness! Who is your friend Iolaire?” She knows that she should focus, that they have an important task before them but Meadow is excited and it can be hard for her to focus when she is excited. Calming herself, tail wagging slightly, focus returned, she says, “I am ready to help. Just tell me what to do.”

With a wide smile, Meadow is ready to begin.

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Total Count - 689/2500 Words

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