
A bit of Sea


Yong Cheng


1 Year
01-07-2020, 03:47 AM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2020, 03:53 AM by Yong Cheng.)
"Sirius! Sirius!" Yong Cheng cried again, his voice breaking off at the end into sharp shards that embedded his own heart with fear. This was it. This was really the end, now. His feet left the ground, and every moment that the bird flapped its wings, was a moment that Yong Cheng gained more air time. Hell, he was going to die, and he wasn't even going to make it past his second year. He was going to die alone, unfulfilled, and unloved. Oh, heavens. He was going to die.

His breath seized in his throat. Sirius wasn't coming. Heavens, Sirius was running, but it wasn't enough. Bast was leaping for them, but the bird jolted, Bast clamped on, and the both of them were airborne. Let go! He wanted to shout. Let go, and live another day! Bast was Sirius' cat -- her life wasn't Yong Cheng's to have. He couldn't let her die in a failed attempt to save him. But his lungs were frozen, his jaws agape, and Yong Cheng could make no sound.

Bast dropped, and Cheng's heart with it.

He wanted, in a very small voice, to tell her to come back. But her life was worth more than he was -- he was a slave, after all -- and Sirius wouldn't let his cat perish the same way a slave had.

That's one way to win your freedom, the healer thought wryly. If his last sight was the ocean -- well. It was a fantastic thing to see. He'd never seen it, before.

Cheng closed his eyes. If the bird dropped him now, he'd probably crack his skull open from the impact. He wanted his last memories to be of the great, blue sea.

And then, he was falling.

Goodbye, Yong Cheng thought. It's been good.

They were curious last thoughts, he realised.

He didn't want to die.

The great bird slammed on top of him, as his back thumped onto the ground, and feathers stuffed his face. Weights held the bird down on him, the avian struggling as much as it could. Was he saved? Was he dead, and simply dreaming?

All movements ceased. Yong Cheng refused to open his eyes.

Bird! Sirius' voice broke through, and Yong Cheng felt himself begin to cry.

"Sirius," he choked, now simply a tearing boy. "Sirius." His voice broke off into sobs, relief, fear, anger, all flooding out with his tears. All the emotions since Sirius had forcefully taken him flowed as he cried into the Warlord's fur, burying his face into the soft strands of hair. If he hadn't before, Sirius would see how young Cheng truly was. In that monent, he was no healer, no slave. He just felt like a wrecked, broken little child.
