
In My City


08-21-2013, 10:15 PM

He didn't know why but he had started unconsciously moving west at some point this morning, not really knowing where he was going but heading in that general direction. Though he had never been to Valhalla before he had heard of its general location, basically if he headed west and hit the coast before hitting Valhallan lands then he should head up the coat until he reached it. So that was the plan, or at least the one he had made upon realizing he was half way there already... Funny how after one adventure away from Glaciem lands and he had met someone who had made him want to travel half way across Alacritis.

He walked at a slow easy pace, green eyes turned upwards to look at the sky as the sun began to sink slowly towards the horizon. It was pretty here, he preferred the north defiantly but here was still nice enough. Though he couldn't wait for the sun to slip beyond the horizon completely, he hadn't been this hot since he had left Tortuga and he must say he didn't miss it.

Her scent hit him first, a soft breeze tantalizing his senses as he froze and lifted his nose to see if it wasn't just his mind playing tricks on him. No... Her scent was defiantly there. He couldn't help the small smile that slid across his lips as he broke into a bit of a trot, heading towards her.

Funny how they always met at a lake. "I thought you didn't like the water..." he mused as he approached though he slowed as he got closer, not wanting to invade her personal space too much. She was even prettier than before in the fading light, the sun framing her perfectly. But still it was those eyes that he liked the most about her, after having seen them up close he had found their image hard to shake.
