
jesse's girl



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
01-08-2020, 07:56 AM
If Kirsi was anything it was exceedingly patient too. She knew what she wanted, sure, but she knew from experience that hurrying nto anything wouldn't do her any good. She wouldn't rush headfirst into whatever feelings might be brewing for Song - and admitting that they were true feelings, rather than simply a product of convenience - was something that would take even longer to come to terms with. After all she'd gone through she was determined to never let her life be so heavily influenced by another. She would love Song because she wanted to, when she was ready, and she'd never completely depend upon him for her livelihood. She'd make a name for herself here in Winterfell and prosper, with or without him - though with him sounded much more enjoyable to her.

A shared den didn't sound too much like codependency. In fact, it was sounding like quite a nice idea to her now. The nights in the north were still cold and his warmth was something she found herself thinking of far too often these days. She didn't hesitate long in pulling herself to all fours and starting her trek after him, eager to to see what he'd found. Polar bear dens? That sounded spacious, and she let a faint grin tug at her lips, pleased at his suggestion. It wasn't long before he led her through the pines, the two of them pausing to face one of the more massive trees she'd ever seen, its roots and a neighboring boulder creating a den easily large enough for the two of them. "Not bad," she murmured, feigning a calculating look as she peeked inside, studying it. The truth was that it was perfect, and unless he wanted to look further, she was content with his choice. "Now, the real test - is it big enough for visitors?" She'd gladly play with the idea that this den was solely for him, despite knowing fully well his intentions as well as her own. Continuing to study it, she slunk inside and into the darkness, scoping it out further.