
We'll Bring the Shade to Us.

Bonus Seasonal Prompt



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
01-08-2020, 06:25 PM
Nodding vigorously when Io says they should get to work, Meadow follows closely behind Iolaire. When her niece talks about Ila as they move, a wide, enthusiastic smile dances along her lips. The reindeer is certainly adorable and is a good judge of character if she decided to follow Iolaire. Offering a smile to Ila, she casts one last look at the dwarf reindeer before the woman turns her attention back to the task at hand.

Growing up, Io was always more of a collected individual while Meadow was more of a spur of the moment, hope it works out, kind of soul. Not that either way is wrong or bad it just… is. Truth is, the green-eyed woman admires that quality in her niece and is grateful to have the small healer to help keep her feet rooted on the ground when needed. She thinks about this as they walk and Io draws her out of her musing when she informs Meadow of what they are looking for. The woods are welcoming to them as Meadow keeps her eyes peeled for small saplings. Iolaire finds the first one and the light-colored female moves to stand by her side.

Io explains what they are to do and Meadow listens intently before moving around the sapling to get a better angle of attack. Gently she digs, careful of the roots that grow in ever widening branches. Luckily, the young tree has not spread its roots so far that the pair has to move far from the trunk. The work is quick and she digs down, pulling the earth away from roots. It is dirty job but the woman has always loved the feel of dirt in her fur and the accomplishment that comes from tilling the earth.

Her back legs are planted firmly on the ground and her front half moves methodically to extract the soil that hides their prize. Scooping the dirt that she loosens out of her work area as they free more and more of the tree, Meadow finds herself working muscles that she has not used in a long time. She pays heed to Iolaire’s instructions and does not cut any of the roots, if she can help it. Only a couple times does she have to inquire as to whether she should cut a certain one and Io is always ready with the answer.

Moving around the sapling, she continues the work, panting slightly from the exertion but enjoying every moment of it. When the root ball is exposed, Meadow moves to hold on to the trunk to ensure that it stays upright and does not fall over to injure itself. It has not taken as long as the woman thought it would to uproot the sapling and she sits back, holding the sapling straight, awaiting the directions that would follow.

For all her faults, Meadow is a hard worker and knows how to follow instructions. A fact that she prides herself on. There is time for talking and time for listening. Right now, Meadow listens.

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Total Count - 1510

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