
a whole new world

sibling thread


01-10-2020, 12:05 PM

Words "Speech"

The world was a strange place, that much Astor had discovered. He had a very real adventurous side and his curious nature always had the wheels spinning in his head. He was beginning to grow rather bored of the den life and wanted nothing more then to explore the outside world. He could smell and hear things that were so unfamiliar to him and he was truly intrigued. He would sidle his way over towards the opening of the den and carefully and quietly poke his head out of the opening just so he could get a look at his surroundings. From what he could tell there were a bunch of tall things that surrounded them (unbeknownst to the pup these were called trees). Majority of the time he could hear the chirping of birds in said trees and that was what really drove him to want to get out of the den. He could hear them early every morning, they were what woke him from his sleep and eventually he had become quite attached to a particular cardinal in a nearby tree, the big one that was closest to the den. Today Astor wasn't going to wait anymore. He picked his way across his slumbering siblings to crawl out of the den and when he landed outside he practically tripped over his own long legs to run over to the base of the large oak tree. Glancing upward he barked at the bird who merely stared down at him, blinking curiously. "Hey you, come down will ya?" He said before plopping his haunches on the ground to sit. He stared up at the bird, cocking his head to the side slightly and offering it a toothy grin whilst his tail began to wag.