
Ghost on the Ice




7 Years
Dire wolf

1KPride - Pansexual
01-10-2020, 03:08 PM

Souzan had allowed himself to drift away from the pack, he wasn't even sure he was considered a part of them anymore. He'd struggled really, he'd wanted to move on from losing his brother but it had clung to him and he hadn't made any lasting connections in the pack. So it hadn't felt particularly painful to become a hermit. He was more than capable of handling himself, and he'd been lucky to be far enough north that the volcano hadn't affected them too bad. His thick northern coat more than a help here.

The man moved along the ice carefully, no longer as mystified by the soft gentle glow beneath his paws. No his attention was mostly pulled skyward. The stars had drawn him in recently. Some part of him assuming every single one of my siblings were up there, gone from this world and this life. He hadn't seen a single sign any of them were alive in nearly a full year. Ig and Sephi could have gone off on an adventure but that they'd do so without so much as consider telling him, inviting him? Well, he wasn't sure if that hurt more than the possibility they could be dead.

A slow cool breeze brought the ice giant a scent, feminine. Mismatched eyes swung in the direction of the ghostly apparition. For a moment Sou felt his heart starting to pound. The man picked up his pace, feeling fear and relief flashing through him. From the distance, he was at the spectral form could have easily been the phantom of his sisters. Yeah sure the scent wasn't even remotely close but the poor tired, lonely brain of the man was simply choosing to ignore all the signs that this couldn't be the spirit of his sisters. But of course, that reality would come crashing in, sooner than he would have liked. He was still a safe distance away from the woman, though undoubtedly she'd have seen his charge towards her when he realized what he was looking at.

Souzan slammed on the breaks as hard as he could, the momentary free grin that had spread across his face dropped, painting disappointment across his muzzle. He suddenly found himself avoiding the woman's eyes, embarrassment and grief visibly washing over his form, as he hunched his shoulders against the sudden cold that seeped into his bones.

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