
Malleus x Serene Pup



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-10-2020, 04:22 PM
Name: Cutting it short to Fel which means Fierce in Afrikaans.

Gender: Female

Appearance:Hypnotic, mesmerizing eyes of a rich blood orange stare piercingly out of a shapely, very womanly face. There is no confusing as to the woman's gender. Her body has curves in all the right places and, if she so desires, she knows how to use them. She does not, however.
A silken coat hugs the woman's curves. Her body is primarily a dark grey that, at points, turns almost black. From the tip of her muzzle to the tip of her tail, various shades of grey trail, flecking outward to drip down her sides like molten silver.
Long legs form the majority of the woman's height. Her build is one of medium stature. She is by no means small, nor is she large. She's somewhere in the middle, exactly where she needs to be.

Design: Keeping it the same.

Personality: Fel is a silent force. A wraith that works from the shadows. She is quiet, uttering whispers in the ears of those that deserve to hear her sweet voice. It is rare to hear her talk or to see her interact with others. Only those closest to her will be graced with her wisdom, for she is full of it. The woman has a slithering, conniving mind. There are no depths to which her mind will not go to bring her plans to fruition. Rape, murder, tyranny, destruction. All is fair game when it comes to the war for power and status. Though she has lofty aspirations, the end goal is not to rule. No, the woman has no desire to sit a throne. Her wish is to remain in the shadows, living comfortably while hissing sweetly in the ears of those in power.

Alignment: Lawful Evil.

Plans/goals: To play her part from the shadows. To be a silent force and to alter the world with her silent machinations.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.