
Malleus x Serene Pup



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-10-2020, 08:13 PM
Name: Keep it
Gender: Female
Build - Medium/Emaciated (will change after ~1 season spent with the pack to Light)
Her fur is incredibly dense, making it prone to matting easily. Dark shades of grey, black, and lighter tones mean that dirt is rarely detected unless you’re standing side-by-side with her. Not to say that Felicity is filthy, per se, but her appearance is certainly not at the forefront of her concern. A dorsal stripe of grey runs from the tip of her nose and down the ruff of her neck, stopping just before her rump. Lighter tones of grey undulate out from the dorsal stripe as brindled stripes down her ribcage and sides. This same lighter color underscores each sharp, orange-red eye. The same brindle pattern can be found on her tail. Following the eruption of the volcano and the ensuing search for her mother, her body condition is incredibly poor. Due to the flattering shape of her markings and how thick her fur is, it is difficult to make out her ribs but if caught in the right light she’s a walking corpse.
Personality: As a child Felicity was calculating and withdrawn. She rarely made a move unless it benefited her and was petulant loser, unafraid of loudly complaining to anyone who might listen. Losing was bad. Winning was good. This sort of black-and-white thinking kept her motivated and on a kind of godly path. ‘City was a pious little girl, fully believing that if she prayed hard enough, her wishes and dreams would be realized. Figuring that she already had divine advantages, she slacked in her training and studies. By the time her father had caught on, she'd already become arrogant and spoiled.

The eruption changed everything.

Learning that Malleus had died in the explosion turned her world upside down. All of a sudden praying felt empty and difficult. Her connection she’d fostered with the Fallen God, even if it was selfish, felt distant if not completely severed. Determined to prove her worth after slacking for the better part of her life, Felicity left to search for her mother in the wake of the volcano’s eruption. Her smoke inhalation and dehydration grew so severe at parts that she wandered aimlessly, at times hallucinating that she heard both God and her parents’ voices until they melded into one omnipotent Voice.

The Voice found her nearly dead at the base of Mount Volkan. Voice is a small, pure white pudu deer, although when they found Felicity they were nearly pitch black with soot. Voice guided her down the mountain and ignored her incoherent babbling until she was brought back to some semblance of reality. An experienced healer, Voice nursed her back to health until she was fit to travel. Although ‘City was (and still is) terrified to admit it, there are times when she still hears God and her parents through the mouth of Voice… which is strange, because due to the damage to their own vocal chords from smoke inhalation, Voice can only communicate in wheezes and gestures.

Felicity arrives back to the Empire empty-handed, paranoid, and deeply ashamed. She does not want to admit that she doubts her faith - or rather, that her faith has been reshaped entirely. ‘City is fiercely protective of Voice to the point of madness. Her near-death experience has caused her to reevaluate how she views challenges. Instead of running from conflict or trying to pray it away, ‘City jumps in headfirst with hellish intent. This wayward Abraxas may still be convinced that the Fallen God is watching even if she believes it walks among them as a Holy Trinity (God, Father, and Mother) trapped within a tiny albino deer.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Plans/Goals: Protect Voice at all costs - ergo, become a Strong Badass Warrioress so no one messes with her small friend, reunite with her family and learn how everyone has been changed since the explosion, hide her paranoid beliefs at all costs, discover her sexuality (homoromantic, demisexual) and try to rectify that with Abraxas values.

I have gems to purchase small companion and anything else necessary.