
Bane x Alena pups!


08-21-2013, 11:24 PM

Name: Tocan (Means Accurate in Croatin)

Gender: Female

Adult size in inches: 33 in.-34 in.?

Appearance: #3


Tocan will be much like her father in many ways, but living in the pack of amenti would warp her mind to be even a smarter gal. Tocan as a pup will be straightened into thinking for herself, and avoiding trouble from the adults with her rather cute and adorable posture and face. Learning at a young age to mimic her mothers skills in pulling off an innocent face to draw others in. Though on the inside, she is simply processing things as her mother would have. Tocan will be playful and adventurous like any other pup as well.

Though when it comes down to pressing buttons Tocan can have an anger like no other. While she will be a deceiving pup she will believe in protecting her brothers and sisters that including her mother. She will have a sharp tongue against those who wish to have ill will against her family. Regardless of who her father was, Tocan believes in being loyal to her family and to the pack in all sorts of ways.

As she grows up, Tocan won't be entirely average, but won't be strange either. She will have the skills of an Assassin to pull off a fair face in front of others to reach what she wants, and will her goals as well. Depending on her experiences her goals can change, but she will still achieve them the same way. Tocan will be a avaunt sleeper of sorts, men and women all the same wolves of all sorts Tocan will love the thought of the activity itself. Flirty and teasing will be the way to go with everyone.

With that being said her anger would have grown stronger, and as a very boyish woman she will know how to defend herself. She will be a fearsome thing when annoyed or pissed off. Tocan will easily hold grudges when it comes to those who get in the way of her goals. Though she might find it easy to just try and find a way to dispose of them, without killing them, in some way. Though this is also subject to change with her experiences and goals through her life.

RP sample:

This world was a strange place. She could tell herself that over and over again, and it still wouldn't make any sense to her. Tocan would always easily follow behind her siblings or her mother, but what did it mean when another wolf wouldn't listen to her. Was her reaction to be one that was expected of her. Oh no Tocan wanted what she wanted. So after being separate from her family to meet up with this strange male wondering why she was here. She shot him a smile and flashed her blue eyes at him. "It seems like I've gotten lost from mommy and my siblings. Could you help me find them?" She asked kindly with a flick of her small tail. The pup waited a few seconds and it wasn't long before the male let out a sigh, and picked her up by the scruff to carry her back towards her mom and siblings.
Although Tocan didn't want to go back, but she felt like she had made him think she wanted to. Her acting had been perfect hadn't it? Would her mother be proud, Tocan hoped so. Perhaps it was her odd name that dragged her behind. That she wasn't sure off. In this world run by men Tocan wanted to know how her mom did it so easily to trick the males off their own hides. She flicked her tail after she was set down next to her mother again. The male having to explain how tocan got lost. The girl rolled her blue eyes for a moment in secret and turned around to return herself to her siblings. Something like that would be far interesting. She had enjoyed the learning experience with the large adult male though.
(Sorry if it's a bit short ^w^ but there is my audition.)
