
Break...away from everybody...away from everything


08-22-2013, 07:53 AM
The creepy and strange dame left before opening her vile mouth one last time. Maka looked back and forth between Mako and Demonio. The dame then smiled at Mako's question, he still wanted to play. With a nod she walked toward him and wagged her tail. He was sweet, just a bit scared is all. The girl lightly touched the top of his head with her nose in hopes of reassuring him they would.

"Sure! We can play! Basically one of us is the wolf and two of us are the hares. The wolf tried to catch the hares while the hares try not to be caught. I've played this game with my sister before but not in a long time."

"So! Who wants to be the wolf? Not it!" she asked in an excited tone.

Maka smiled as she bounced up and down a but on her feet. Turquoise eyes went from one male to another as she couldn't wait to start the game. Who would win? Eventually the wolf maybe. Who would be the wolf? Who would've the two hares? How long would they play? With a small shake of her head the femme let all questions roll off of her like the waves of the ocean. Taking a step back from Mako to give him some space she sat down on her haunches.

OOC:ignore phone post errors and short postie